Coaching - How To Easily Sell Coaching Online

Step 1 - Know what your customer thinks.

Step 2 - Be in touch with your coaching clients regularly and know what they are doing.

Step 3 - Use the power of teleseminars to build a relationship.

Step 4 - Setup a one-on-one phone consultation session to build rapport.

Step 5 - Sell yourself first, then your coaching.

Here are step-by-step details that you can apply quickly and easily...

Step 1 - Know what your customer thinks.

It is extremely important to know what your customer thinks and what other problems he/she is facing. Once you know the problems of your customers you can easily design a simple solution that he can use to solve his/her problem through your coaching program. This will make sure that your program achieves high credibility status online because you are providing exactly what your customers want. It is important that you are in touch with your clients to make sure that they are on the right track...

Step 2 - Be in touch with your coaching clients regularly and know what they are doing.

It is extremely important that you follow up with your customers on a regular basis and track their success status with your program. Reason being, there will be many customers who will not take action on your information and ultimately blame you. Therefore it is extremely important that you make your customers practice what you have asked them to do and whether they are taking adequate action on the step-by-step plan that you have provided them. Teleseminars can help you to build trust, credibility and relationship with your customers easily...
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Step 3 - Use the power of teleseminars to build relationship.

It is important that you conduct a weekly teleseminar with your coaching clients. This is important because your teleseminar will help your clients to ask you questions and this will give them confidence to move on with your program. You can also motivate your clients in your teleseminar and show them the results that they will achieve if they put adequate efforts along with your plan. One-on-one phone consultation can help you to achieve your coaching goals very easily...

Step 4 - Setup a one-on-one phone consultation session to build rapport.

Setup a simple phone consultation with your subscribers and train them absolutely free. This will make sure that your subscribers trust you as an expert in your field and then when you recommend them they will be interested in taking up your offer. Make sure that you first build relationship and then promote your coaching to your leads...

Step 5 - Sell yourself first, then your coaching.

Your subscribers will not purchase your high ticket coaching program initially before they trust you. Before your first session the most important step is to build a rock solid relationship with your subscribers prior to your promoting your coaching program.
Par cardyuggboots le jeudi 07 avril 2011


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