The Legislative Decree n. 81/2008, issued pursuant to Article 3 August 2007 a law number 123 then supplemented and amended by Legislative Decree no. 106/2009, coordinated, reorganized and reformed the old rules the main health occupational safety and replacing them with a new unique code. A little over a year after its entry into force, the measure was amended by Legislative Decree number 106 August 3, 2009, entered into force on 20 August 2009 and supplementary and remedial provisions of legislative decree number 81 on April 9, 2008 the protection of health and safety in the workplace.
Among the different burdens on the part of the employer an extremely important aspect is given to information requirements and training workers. In particular, Article 36 of Legislative Decree April 9, 81/2008 requires the employer, the manager and responsible, each within their respective powers to ensure that every worker receives adequate information about a range of issues affecting work-such as risks to health and safety at work related to the activity of the company in general, about the procedures regarding first aid fire fighting and evacuation of the workplace, about the names of persons assigned to the first fire and rescue and other general issues affecting the wor, At the time of introduction of
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This information must be provided by the employer towards the workers in a simple and immediate language they easily understood and also using pictures and figures. Please note that to meet this obligation the use of information leaflets countersigned may not be sufficient because there are some judgments, the Supreme (06/03/1995, number 6486) which established that this approach does not suffice because the 'information must always be accompanied by awareness raising and explanations about the content of material distributed.
About the information requirements it should be noted that training is a process of teaching useful knowledge to perform a particular task in a more specifically prevenzionistici. In brief training and safety at work aims to transfer operational responsibilities such behavior to induce new ways of working with particular reference to health occupational safety of workers so that workers, as part of their job, was able to recognize hazards and conditions potential that can lead to adverse events.
It should be first noted that the formation indiscriminately on all workers including homeworkers even today are increasingly present in the company and who, though equal rights and lay workers who work within the office
Training on health and safety at work and possibly specific training must take place in occasion of the creation of employment or beginning to use the case of administration work, transfer or change of duties or the introduction of new work equipment or new technologies and this is usually necessary to organize the company's workplace safety so that everything is organized in the manner and time provided by law. For these reasons, it is clear that training must be done promptly and with extreme precision and above all remember that this must be repeated periodically depending on the evolution of risk or occurrence of new risks and then entering with force a new performance only recently introduced to formalize the concept of training repeated periodically as additional obligation with respect to basic training